Arkham Knight - Rocksteady
Whilst working as part of a team at Spov, we set up a technical pipeline to test animation and design work, directly with Batman Arkham Kinght’s developers, Rocksteady.
Using Scaleform as a way of integrating the work into the game, I created style frames, cinematics, user interface graphics and 3D content for the fear gas and brain scanning sequence.
See below for more.
Concept Pitch Stills
A Selection of my work for the concept pitch below. I animated the vector graphics and then filmed myself interactive with the screens.
Style Frames
Below are some style frames for the Cloudburst sequence that appeared in the game.
Client - Rocksteady / Warner Bros
Produced by - Spov
Motion Graphics - Andrea Braga, Kieran Gee-Finch, Adam Roche
Producer - Emma Middlemiss