Dr Strange - Marvel films
Whilst working as part of the team at Spov, and under the sharp eye of project lead Miles Christensen, we worked on creating narative based screen graphics and digital set dressing for the hospital rooms in Marvel’s Dr Strange.
My responsibility on this project was taking the initial style and building the narrative for the iPad screen held by Benedict Cumberbatch.
See more below.
Marvel - Dr Strange Edit
Edit by Adam Roche, Courtesy of Spov.
Maxon Article For Dr. Strange
The makers of C4Ds’ Maxon got in touch to ask about the work created at Spov studios for the Marvel film Dr Strange. Read the full article here.
Client - Marvel Studios
Produced by: Spov
Lead: Miles Christensen
Producer: Emma Middlemiss
Technical Directors: Julio Dean
Design, Animation, Compositing: Miles Christensen, Paul Hunt, Adam Roche
3D Design: Julio Dean, Miles Christensen, Paul Hunt, Adam Roche